Funnel Chest Procedure. Russia, MoscowClinic Grudina.ruTreatments available:
We perform the Nuss technique, a minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum (MIRPE).
We perform the Abramson pocedure, a minimally invasive repair of pectus carinatum (MIRPC).
University hospital held correction of different types of deformations of the chest:
Surgeries are performed at renowned University Hospital in Moscow, Russia
University Hospital is one of the oldest medical institutions in Russia. It is a state-of-the-art treatment center for both standard and complex pathologies. Every year, more than 200,000 patient consults are performed at University Hospital and over 20,000 patients are hospitalized and successfully treated.
Surgeries are performed by Vladimir Kuzmichev, MD, a leader in thoracic surgery
Dr. Kuzmichev is a member of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS), a member of Russian Association of Endoscopic Surgery, and a member of the Chest Wall International Group (CWIG). He has performed more than 300 procedures for funnel chest correction and more than 100 procedures for other chest wall corrections (pigeon chest deformity, Currarino-Silverman syndrome, and Poland syndrome, among others).
His basic scientific interests include VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery), treatment of chest wall deformities, surgeries for lung cancer and esophageal cancer, and endoscopic surgery of the sympathetic trunk.
Additional Details on Treatments Available
This is the most common type of chest strain, also known as “chest cobbler.” It refers to congenital malformations whereby abnormal growth of costal cartilages leads to retraction of the chest. At present, the most effective method of correction is considered the Nuss procedure, where patients are fitted with 1-2 plates that help straighten the chest. After 3-4 years, the correction plate are removed.
2. Pectus Carinatum (pigeon chest deformity) This is another fairly comment congenital abnormality. It is externally characterized by protruding ribs and sternum. In many cases it can be effectively treated using non-invasive methods (i.e. orthopedic appliances). Surgical methods of treatment are surgery keeled deformation (Ravich method) and minimally invasive correction method (Abramson method). A metal bar is attached to both sides of the chest wall using 1-2 plates that help to compress the sternum. After 3-4 years, the correction plates and bar are removed. 3. Congenital cleft sternum (Ectopia Cordis) This is a pathology that occurs at the stage of embryo development (before birth). With this defect, the middle portion of the chest is not covered by skeleton, giving rise to abnormal movements of the thorax and making the pulsations of the heart and vessels visible to the naked eye. Surgical correction is possible by early childhood (up to 3 years). 4. Poland syndrome (Poland's Syndrome)This is a genetic disorder that affects the entire chest wall; not only the ribs, but also the muscle spine. Surgical interventions are necessary for treatment. Often, treatment entails a series of operations aimed at the comprehensive rehabilitation of the chest. The first stage is restoration of the frame thorax. More severe forms of Poland’s syndrome can be treated by autologous rib grafts to replace absent fascia. 5. Roach sternum (Pectus Arcuatum, Currarino-Silverman syndrome, or bull horn chest)
This is a rare condition, with a severely protruding upper sternum combined with a concave lower sternum. Surgical interventions are necessary for treatment. We conduct a Ravitch-stype operation with osteosynthesis. Operation Support for Foreign PatientsOperations to correct the deformities listed above are performed at the University Hospital in Moscow. The average patient stay in the hospital is about 10 days. Ideally, a patient will be accompanied by a family member or other caregiver, as in the first days after the surgery even the simplest action can be difficult and painful.
We provide very efficient handling of your documentation and travel needs. We provide assistance in obtaining a Russian visa and upon arrival in Moscow, meet patients at the airport and facilitate their admission to the hospital. We can also help to arrange additional accommodations at one of Moscow’s many fine hotels near the clinic.
The average cost of operation (funnel-shaped deformation, deformation keeled, congenital cleft, Poland syndrome, curved sternum) is 4000 euro.
We are available to provide additional information/answer any questions that you may have. We can be reached at +7 (925) 507-87-83 from 9:30 to 21:00 Moscow time, or by writing to us via e-mail: Our staff is fluent in English and Russian. Next steps for Foreign Patients
If you are interested in Dr. Kuzmichev’s services, please follow the steps below: 3. Prepare the necessary documents for visa to Russia (if required for your country). We will provide a letter of invitation to attach to your visa documentation. 4. Once you have received your visa, plan your transportation to Moscow. Our clinic will provide a shuttle service from the airport, and will assist in admission to the hospital on the safe day or the next available hospitalization.
5. Additionally, you will need to pass a preoperative examination. Please note that we are not able to accept patients with HIV or Patients with HIV infection or RW. Also, operations are not possible in the presence of acute inflammatory diseases, oncological diseases, diseases of the blood, heart, heavy type diabetes. Наши преимущества
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Кузьмичев Владимир Александрович
Торакальный хирург, кандидат медицинских наук
Кузьмичев Владимир Александрович — торакальный хирург, кандидат медицинских наук. В 1981 году Владимир Александрович окончил ММА им. И. М. Сеченова. Сегодня это практикующий торакальный хирург с большим опытом и высокой квалификацией. С 2000 года работает в отделении торакальной хирургии ГБУЗ МО МОНИКИ им. М.Ф. Владимирского.